Top 8 Ways to Reduce Stress in your Life

We all feel stress at one or other time in our life. In fact, almost 35% of people say that their top source of stress is their job. Other sources of stress include money and health issues. While some people freak out at the smallest thing, others stay cool regardless of the severity of the event.

Top 8 Ways to Reduce Stress in your Life

De-stress your life with these amazing ways

Here are few different ways to keep your head when stress puts you in a panic.

  • Meditate
    Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes and relax as you focus on releasing your worries. At least 10 minutes of meditation can clear your mind and can fill with positive thoughts. Meditation is about finding inner peace, you don’t have to learn to meditate. Find simple ways to clear your mind like taking a hot water bath (Pour Jordan essentials dead sea salt magnesium soak into a tub full of hot water and enjoy the calming effect of magnesium) or listening to soft music.
  • Deep Breathe
    Focus on your breathing; take 5 minutes to breathe slowly and deeply when you feel anxious. Slow breaths reduce stress hormones in the body and lower heart rate and blood pressure. In times of stress, we tend to take quick, shallow breaths. Try to focus on your breath and take longer deeper breaths.
  • Exercise Daily
    Taking a jog does not just help physical health; it can also release endorphins and reduces stress, especially when done on a regular basis. Regular exercise reduces stress and improves health. Small spurts of activity work well even if you can’t schedule a workout. A 10 minutes walk can be as beneficial as a 45 minutes workout to relieve anxiety. Moderate exercise can reduce stress and make you more resistant to it.
  • Indulge
    Serotonin, the chemical responsible for calm and relaxation, may be boosted through certain foods. This means the occasional sweet treat could help add some sunshine to your day. Spo go ahead and enjoy a cookie or two.
  • Get a massage
    Getting a massage can reduce your stress and tension. Besides, who does not want to be pampered?
  • Sleep
    Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. If this is not possible, take a 10 minutes nap during the day, any longer can disturb your sleep cycle.
  • Stay hydrated
    Staying hydrated with water and an herbal tea is a very small kind act towards yourself and of course toward your health.
  • Eat mindfully
    Take notice while eating a daily meal or snack. Feel how does the food actually look like, smell like feel like, taste like.Instead of spacing out in front of the television, go for a walk, do yoga or dance in your living room. You can also participate in sports or other leisure activities, which can lower blood pressure and cortisol levels. Stop worrying about things, set a timer and give yourself a limited time to worry. Think of all the possible outcomes of a situation.