Why Staying Hydrated Plays an Important Role?

The proper functioning of human body largely depends on the amount of fluid intake. For an average individual, it is necessary to drink 30 to 50 ounces of fluid every day.  It helps in the proper functioning of heart, muscles, brain, carries nutrients to the cells, removes toxins from the body, and prevents constipation.

From our childhood, we hear our parents advising us to drink an adequate amount of water and forms of fluid to keep our body hydrated. But as we grow old, our water consumption level declines, and as a result, many suffer from  and kidney problems. Besides, it is seen that older people feel less thirsty than younger ones, and this is what makes things more adverse. You can feel the symptoms of dehydration when you start feeling weak, dizzy, suffering from low blood pressure, or having dark color urine.

Therefore an adult is recommended to consume nearly 1.5 liters of water in a day. But yes you need not drink it in one go, but you can divide it equally so that you remain hydrated all throughout the day. Besides drinking water, you can consume juice, soups, or foods that have an adequate amount of water in it like fruits, salads, etc.

Why Staying Hydrated Plays an Important Role?

But for people who are suffering from kidney ailment or thyroid or cardiac problems, you should consult a doctor to get a clear idea of the amount of water that you should consume. This is because, under such medical condition, the body tends to retain the water, which can be harmful to your health.

One thing you need to remember is that our body entirely depends on fluids, especially water to function properly. It will improve your overall health, remove toxins, add a natural glow to your skin, keep your joints lubricated, etc. While for some 8 glasses of water seem sufficient, for the rest it can be more or less depending on the level of hydration your body requires.

While talking about fluids, it is best to consume plain water. But it can become monotonous at times. Therefore you can have fresh fruit juice, milk, a moderate amount of tea or coffee, health drinks, etc. You can even have water in the form of soup, fruits like watermelon, or veggies like tomato and lettuce.

You can even consume sports drink before and after exercise but read the label to see that the carbohydrate that it contains comes from natural sources like glucose, sucrose, and fructose. If it contains carbonated elements, it is best to avoid as they can cause health hazards. Besides, several health drinks contain a higher amount of added sugar which can increase your blood sugar level. You should even avoid energy drinks as they contain a high amount of caffeine which can over-stimulate your body.

Tips to keep yourself hydrated:

  • Carry a bottle of water wherever your travel to reduce your expenditure in purchasing any drink.
  • If plain water is monotonous for you, consume lemon water with honey in it.
  • Always hydrate your body before, during, and after a workout session.
  • If you are willing to munch down some oily junk food, you can replace it by consuming a glass of water instead. It will satiate your hunger and hydrate your body and aid in weight loss as well.

Consumption of water is important for every individual whether you are a normal individual or an athlete or someone who just does few exercises. It helps to keep your heart healthy and active. Therefore, if you are ever facing any sign of dehydration, consult a physician immediately and drink gallons of water.

Remember that water constitutes half the weight of your body and every day we lose water from our body. Sweating, urination, vomiting, diarrhea, and even breathing can make you lose water. So, replenish the water deficiency in your body and live a healthy life.