Importance Of Blood Sugar And The Types Of Conditions That Affect Body

I think all most all of you are aware of the term blood sugar.

It is simply the amount or levels, presence, and functioning of glucose in your bloodstream.

Blood sugar is also called as blood glucose and is the most important component in our bodily system.

Importance of blood sugar in our body:

  • The body’s main source of energy
  • It is the main sugar found in your blood.
  • The concentration of blood sugar is an important factor in diabetes.
  • It is an essential building block of our bodily system required to function properly and optimally.

The process and reasoning, rationale and logic, behind why blood sugar and related processes are critically important are explained here:

  • Blood consists of sugar in the form of glucose.
  • Normal blood sugar level can be ranged between 60 to 100 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood.
  • The levels can be raised immediately after the meal up to 150 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood.
  • Ingested carbohydrates are digested thus producing blood sugar circulating in the blood.
  • Our bodies use it as fuel and energy.
  • Sugar absorption into the cells can be regulated by the hormone insulin.
  • Whenever there is rise in blood sugar levels, immediately insulin is produced.

Do you know that there are two types of conditions depending on the blood sugar? One is hypoglycemia due to too high concentration and the other is hyperglycemia due to too low concentration.

  • Any fluctuations in blood sugar can lead to diabetes. The main causes of diabetes include:
  • Inability to control the amount of sugar in the blood and the resulting level is too high.
  • When your body can’t produce enough insulin or unable to use, it can cause diabetes. It is called as diabetes mellitus.
  • It is described as a metabolic disease.
  • Lack of insulin can cause reduced carbohydrate utilization and enhanced utilization of fatty acids and proteins.
  • As it is a chronic condition, you need to control, manage, and lower the abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood.

Types of diabetes:

There are two types of diabetes called as Type I and Type II.

Type I diabetes:

  • This is also called as insulin-dependent diabetes. This results from the shortage of insulin discharge by the pancreas.
  • In this stage, your body can’t produce insulin.
  • This condition can be seen in children and adults.
  • This condition can be developed early in the life and it will be difficult to control blood sugar levels because your body cannot make a special hormone called insulin.

Type II diabetes:

  • This is also called as non-insulin dependent diabetes or adult on-set diabetes.
  • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is the most common form of diabetes.
  • It is important that patients and those diagnosed with high blood sugar levels should immediately react and do the right and best thing to lower blood glucose levels.
  • If your body cannot use sugar and starch, then intervention is required for health and wellness.

In order to manage the diabetes, you need to follow some controlling steps.

Effects Of Fluctuations In Normal Blood Sugar Levels In Your Body–>

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