4 Tips for an Overweight Elderly Parent to be Healthier

Dealing with aging parents that are overweight can be challenging, and the problem is only becoming more common. According to the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, there was a 36% increase in obesity rates among Americans 70 or older between 1991 and 2000, with no signs the trend slowed down over the next decade and a half.
4 Tips for an Overweight Elderly Parent to be Healthier

Adult children of overweight parents will likely want to find ways to help, but this can be tough. Reduced mobility and activity almost guarantees weight gain will happen and be difficult to reverse. However, there are ways to make it easier. Here are tips that can help you in this situation:

Tip #1: Purchase a special device

One thing that may prevent your parent from being as active as necessary involves being afraid. Getting older can increase the fear of getting out and about for your parent for fear of falls and injuries.

Investing in a mobile medical alert device can be helpful in reducing fear and may encourage your older loved one to be more active. Options available through www.alert-1.com are both highly rated and affordable, but take the time to choose the alert device best for an elderly parent or other older loved one.

Tip #2:  Choose a gym membership

Buying a membership at the local gym can be extremely helpful when it comes to your parent getting in more activity throughout the week. Many of these locations offer a variety of classes that are specifically designed for senior citizens.

Having this may encourage your loved ones to get out more and enjoy exercise at the same time. Being more sociable with age can help decrease depression in an older individual.

Listed below are some of the benefits of exercise with age:

  1. Increase flexibility – It can be challenging to be as flexible as the body ages. Taking time to attend a class that encourages the body to be more active can increase flexibility.
  2. Improve mobility – Staying active is essential for an older person that wishes to remain mobile. The body tends to slow down with age, and it’s important to keep it moving.
  3. Stay strong – It’s critical to the overall well-being of your loved one to remain strong in order to be independent. Investing time into doing some simple weight training exercises can assist with this.

Tip #3: Assist with meal planning

As your parents get older, you may find there is less of a desire to eat healthily. This may stem from not feeling as energetic as in the past.

However, eating foods that are full of nutrition and loaded with vitamins and minerals the body needs can assist with a better sense of well-being. It’s a very good idea to help your parent with meal planning.

In fact, assisting with cooking meals and ensuring your parents eat well on a daily basis can improve the health of your parents. One idea is to cook several meals at one time and put these in individual containers in the freezer to eat at any time.

Tip #4:  Be positive

Working to be supportive of your parents is important and could be of great assistance when it comes to losing weight. Taking time to listen and be there with positive reinforcement to help your loved ones stay on the right diet track is essential.

The last thing you will want to do is nag or say negative statements to this individual about being overweight. This can make the situation worse and won’t be helpful for either one of you.

Being there for a loved one that needs your help is important. You can assist your aging parents with losing weight and working to have a better life in the process. This may be the key to living longer and enjoying life more each day.