5 Conditions that Cause Large Intestine Pain

If you get a pain in the abdominal region it can be related to the stomach, the small intestine or the large intestine. Essentially any one of the internal organs could cause you discomfort in the mid tummy section.5 Conditions that Cause Large Intestine Pain

The large intestine is the last part of the alimentary canal. It is one of the parts of the human body where bacteria live. In fact it is said to have over 700 kinds of bacteria in it. These bacteria perform a number of functions which help in the digestion of food. The cause of large intestine pain can be related to specific ailments described below.


This disease causes the inflammation of the rectum. The large intestine pain is caused due to this disease as symptoms include bloody and hard stools, frequent urge to urinate without being able to do so, and diarrhea.

The trauma and infection in the rectum along with the symptoms of the disease cause the ache in the abdominal region.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcers also cause large intestine pain. The inflammation of the colon causes ulcers to occur on the inner layer of the colon. The symptoms of this include diarrhea which also has blood, mucus and pus. The patient will experience weight loss and a loss of appetite where food is concerned. There is no definitive cause for the ulcers, but people prone to more stressful lives are more likely to be at risk for them.

Crohn’s disease

This medical condition also involves the large intestine pain. The large intestine will be affected here with pain on the left side of the body which may include cramps. There is also tenderness in the region along with mild fever and nausea. The patient may again suffer from diarrhea in Crohn’s disease. There is flatulence and pain on the right side as soon as the patient eats anything.


This medical condition occurs when the weak intestinal walls have bulgy pouches in them. These bulgy pouches are called diverticula. These cause symptoms like pain in the large intestine, fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The large intestine pain in diverticulosis is seen primarily in older men over the age of 40. In some severe cases there is also some intestinal bleeding which can also lead to the pain.

Intestinal polyps

This medical condition is basically an abnormal growth which can be located anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract. This includes the large intestines as well. The main symptom of intestinal polyp is rectal bleeding. The polyp usually develops as a result of a diet which is low in fiber and high in fats. As this is a fairly common medical condition it is advised that regular annual diagnostic tests are run for people who are above 50 years of age to catch them in time.

These are some reasons why there is pain in the large intestine region. There can be other reasons such as appendicitis, colon cancer or rectal cancer, constipation, and so on. The important thing to keep in mind is that if the pain is uncomfortable and continuous it is probably best to get it diagnosed by a doctor.

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