Sclerotherapy Treatment for Spider and Reticular Veins

Sclerotherapy, a non-surgical treatment is used to treat both spider veins and reticular veins. WithSclerotherapy treatment, the cells that line inside the wall of the veins are distressed with chemical injection.

The chemical consists of 23% sodium chloride sterile solution mixed with lidocaine and heparin injecting with a very fine needle.Sclerotherapy

Number of spider veins and reticular veins injected in one session is variable and it depends on the location and size of the vein and your overall health condition.

While injecting, you will experience mild discomfort and cramping sensation for 1 to 2 minutes.

Entire procedure takes 30-35 minutes for completion.

Your body then begins the process of healing during the time the veins shrink. The speed and extent of shrinkage mainly depend on your body’s ability to heal.

Number of treatments that are needed to resolve your problem mainly depends on the vein size and ability to heal.

This procedure can be used with children and young adults with reticular or lymphatic malformations. Adults often consider Sclerotherapy treatment to cure hemorrhoids and reticular veins.

Success rate of Sclerotherapy varies depending on your condition. It works well for people with spider and reticular veins and 50-80% of the injected veins can be eliminated with each session.

But less than 20% of the people don’t respond to this injection. In such cases, your doctor uses different solution or different methods like laser therapy for treating the condition.

Things to avoid before undergoing Sclerotherapy treatment:

Medications that should be avoided include: Taking antibiotics like Minocin or Tetracycline 7-10 days before undergoing Sclerotherapy can cause staining of the skin.

So, inform your doctor if you use any antibiotics before undergoing any invasive procedures such as surgery, colonoscopy or dental procedures.

Avoid ibuprofen and aspirin: Don’t take any anti-inflammatory medications for 48 hours before and after undergoing the procedure as they can interfere with injecting sclerosing agent.

Avoid Prednisone: This can also decrease the effect of sclerosing agent.

Avoid using lotions: Don’t apply any lotions to your legs before or after Sclerotherapy.

Side effects of Sclerotherapy treatment:

You may experience some side effects after Sclerotherapy. Large injected reticular veins can become lumpy and hard for quite a few months before resolving.

Spots or brown lines can be noticed at the injected area. This is due to a form of iron that escapes from the injected veins. They will disappear within 3-6 months, but in 5% of the cases they are permanent.

In some rare conditions, you will notice side effects like:

  • Rapid onset of a swollen leg>
  • Red lines, particularly in the groin region
  • Swelling surrounding the groin area
  • Allergic reaction to the sclerosing agent

In order to prevent the risk of spider or reticular veins, it is better to wear supportive stockings, get regular physical activity, have better weight control, and don’t wear high heels.