You Have Been Diagnosed With An Inguinal Hernia – Now What?

Your doctor will most likely have explained all about your inguinal hernia, what caused it and what treatment is applicable in your case.

Sometimes, it is difficult to remember everything the doctor says during a consultation, especially if you are seeing a new doctor for the first time. Let’s revise what you would have been told already.

Basically, an inguinal hernia is where soft tissue, usually some part of the intestines, pushes through the abdominal wall through a weak point or a tear in the muscle. This occurs in the lower part of the abdomen, either side of the pelvic bone, or in the groin.

It is ten times more common in men than women, and is also seen in babies and children. You may only feel pain when you cough, sneeze or lift heavy objects, and it is mostly visible when you are standing up straight.

Inguinal hernias are not life-threatening in themselves, but they can lead to dangerous complications and most doctors recommend surgical repair. If your hernia has been detected at an early stage, the recommendation may be to take a wait and watch approach.

Most inguinal hernias enlarge over a period of time if they are not repaired by surgical means. It is unlikely that your hernia will repair itself or go away without some form of intervention.

Whether you are to have surgery or you are a watch and wait patient, there are some things you can do to help yourself. If you have had onehernia, you are likely to have another at some point in your life.

By following some simple strategies and making some lifestyle changes, you can put yourself in a better position to either lengthen the time between hernias or reduce the possibility of them returning.

The first strategy you can employ is to improve your fitness and general health by getting some regular exercise and eating nutritionally sound food to keep your weight at a healthy level.

We all need regular exercise; the human body was built for movement and optimum health can only be achieved if we move our limbs and exercise the large muscle groups.

One of the largest muscle groups in the body are the abdominals, and our modern sedentary lifestyle has led to these muscles being weak. The simplest form of exercise is to go for a 30 minute walk at least five days of the week.

Walk at an intensity that gets your heart pumping a bit harder and you are a little out of breath. Simple abdominal strengthening muscles are knee lifts and leg lifts performed standing, seated and lying.

One of the causes of inguinal hernias is constipation. Ensuring that your diet includes lots of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit and whole grains will get your gut working properly by increasing the amount of dietary fibre you eat which will ease or eliminate chronic constipation problems.

Try to eat many of these fruits and vegetables raw for increased goodness and fibre. This type of diet will also ensure your general health and well-being, so you will feel great and have more energy.

Another common cause of inguinal hernias is consistent coughing. If you have allergies, seek medical advice to ease the symptoms. If you are a smoker, quit. This always seems so simple when you say it, but the reality is that it is an addiction very difficult to shake.

There are numerous products available on the market nowadays to help you from pills and patches to yoga and meditation. Avoiding repeated hernias is only one benefit of quitting, so make a decision today to improve your health and your life.

Another strategy you might try is to learn some form of relaxation. Yoga is a great choice because it combines breathing techniques, physical exercise, muscle strengthening and relaxation.

Employ these methods of health and lifestyle enhancements to help avoid repeated inguinal hernias and reduce the severity of them. The added benefit will be improved health and well-being.