Effect Of Stress On Cardiovascular System

Are you aware of the fact that stress can lead you to heart diseases?

There is no reason in denying that stress is the most common factor that’s leading to several health issues worldwide.

Prolonged stress can seriously cause havoc on your cardiovascular system.

Although the bridge between stress and heart disease is less casual than other risk factors like smoking and excessive alcoholic drinking, several studies have linked job strain and extreme stress together with the increased risk rate of cardiovascular problems.

How stress and heart disease are related?

Stress increases the secretion of cortisol (stress hormone), which can raise blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

The overproduction of stress hormones can lead to unstable state of chemical arousal in your body that ultimately lead to heart attack.

One of the studies led by health experts found that individuals who reported extreme stress in their routine life has increased levels of inflammation such as fibrinogen and C-reactive protein that is related with heart diseases.

What can be done to alleviate stress?

Alleviating stress plays a vital role in reducing risk of heart diseases. Explore various stress management techniques and incorporate them in your routine life.

Get good night sleep and put an end to all your unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive alcoholic drinking and also overeating. Practice regular exercises and seek emotional counseling if necessary.