Will It Be Possible To Have One Flu Jab For Life?

A new discovery related to flu vaccines is being investigated by researchers, they have come up with a vaccine composed of specially developed antibodies that could actually seek out the infection and neutralise it in the body itself.

There would be no longer need to have repeated yearly vaccinations, although research has yet to determine the possible side effects on humans.

Although these results are promising, other experts remain sceptical, for they affirm that viruses cannot be as vulnerable to the antibodies as demonstrated in the research.

They also pointed out that the enormous dosage of developed antibodies is costly and not easy to inject.

The objective of antibodies produced by our white blood cells, is to destroy all invading bodies, by tagging them so that they are easily recognizable within our immune system.

Unfortunately the flu viruses mutate continually, this is why we have to have new anti-influenza injections each year.

Researchers have found a way to clamp down the flu virus’s neck so that it cannot mutate within the body and cannot therefore transmit further information in order to develop more viruses.

There are 16 types of known flu spikes which can attack our system, the H1 to H 16, the most common being the H5 and this season’s H1. The research work has determined that this new treatment will protect us from both these types.

They will however need to find specific antibodies for the H3 and B types of influenza, which are other types of frequent influenza breakouts.

There is an additional problem, which concerns the duration of antibodies, as their effects within the blood stream usually die out after a few weeks.

Further research needs to be carried out in order to determine the many factors that are still in the way of a definitive result.