How Psychological Treatments Help To Reduce The Symptoms Of Tourettes Syndrome?

Tourettes syndrome is a quite common neurological condition that is linked to features of many other conditions.

Tourettes syndrome makes you to do unusual sounds or movements which are called as tics.

Some times, you cannot control them.

The most common tics which are associated with tourettes syndrome include blinking and throat clearing.

The exact cause behind tourettes syndrome is unknown, but according to some research this condition is due to the problem in nerves which communicate in the brain.

This condition is most common among boys when compared to girls.

Usually the tics begin in childhood and they can become worst in the early teens. It can affect people from all backgrounds. Most of the people will eventually outgrow from the symptoms. There is no need of any treatment unless the tics interfere with your everyday life.

If you have undergone to any worries or excitement, your tics can become worse more frequent or longer. Some of you can suppress your tics for a short time. If you are seriously trying to control your tics, then it will be very difficult for you to concentrate on anything else.

Teens suffering with tourettes syndrome can also have other conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Learning disabilities are most common in people with tourettes syndrome. You will also experience trouble while sleeping.

Psychological treatments to reduce the symptoms of Tourettes syndrome:

According to the recent research, psychological treatments which relay heavily on behavioral procedures effectively reduces tics in people suffering from chronic tic disorders. Using psychoactive drugs is considered as the first viable option for treating tics.

Habit-reversal training (HRT) helps to underline the sensitivity to tic sensations and also replaces the tic behavior with a more appropriate competing response. Exposure and response preventions and other forms of treatments mainly focus on the process of habituation.

Both these behavioral methods are proved as effective treatments in reducing the tics. Psychological treatments are a great alternative for psychoactive drugs fro treating the symptoms of tourettes syndrome.

Everyone with tourettes syndrome will cope differently with its physical, emotional and social changes.