How To Deal With Panic Attack Naturally?

A person with panic attack can experience the intense episodes of anxiety or fear that occur suddenly.

The episodes of panic attack can last from minutes to hours. The attack can occur quite frequently or once in a while.

People with anxiety and panic attacks lose their control emotionally and physically.

There is no known cause or trigger for panic attack. But, sufferers of panic attack can get treatment to treat their condition.

Mostly people with this attack are referred to psychologists or placed on prescription medications.

Along with these, there are new options available for panic attack sufferers.

There are coping techniques that you can do to survive from panic attacks. Breathing exercise is one of them. While deep breathing, think about relaxing thoughts. Gradual muscle relaxation is also another method to come out from this attack. The last and the most important one is staying positive.

Curing panic attack naturally with new inventory technique:

Panic away is the natural cure for panic attack. With panic away, people learn to extinguish the cause of their panic attacks. In this technique, panic can be treated by breaking the cycle of anxiety.

This technique is completely different from others in which it is all natural. In this method, there is no need to take any prescription medicines or no need to worry about the side effects of those medicines. In this technique, you need to learn to break the fear of having another panic attack.

The benefits of panic away include:

  • No need to take dangerous medicines
  • No need to practice breathing techniques which only work temporarily
  • No need to fear about another panic attack again

Diagnostic criteria for panic attacks:

Fear and anxiety will be present in each panic attack with at least four of the below mentioned symptoms:

  • Discomfort or chest pain
  • Cold and hot flashes
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Faintness
  • Fear of dying or going mad, or performing uncontrollable activities during the panic attack
  • Sweating
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Suffocating or choking sensation
  • Tingling in the feet and hands
  • Constant concerns about having one more attack
  • Major changes in behavior related to the attacks

The frequency of occurrence of these symptoms varies from person to person. Some can experience the attack throughout their life while some others can experience the attacks for every few hours, days, weeks or months.