Pregnancy May Increase Risk Of Developing Binge Eating Disorder

Pregnancy may open a window of vulnerability for developing binge eating disorder, especially for women from lower socio-economic situations, according to a study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers and colleagues in Norway.

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Eating disorders are becoming more common now-a-days. Eating disorders during pregnancy can be more serious which affects the growth and development of your baby. The main types of eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia.

Obsessive dieting or starvation is followed to control weight gain in anorexia. Binge eating and vomiting to get rid of excess calories from the body is present in bulimics. Both types negatively affect the pregnancy and reproductive system.

These eating disorders also have negative effect on hormones of the body and limit the ability to become pregnant.

The disorder differs from bulimia nervosa in that sufferers don’t engage in purging, such as using vomiting or laxatives. In addition to contributing to weight gain and obesity, binge eating disorder is also associated with health problems such as anxiety and depression, insomnia, and chronic pain.

Bulimia involves binge eating and purging the food from body by vomiting or using laxatives or exercise. Binge eaters engage in overeating in order to come out of stress and emotions. Binge eaters will be always out of control and feel uncomfortably full.

Binge eating causes many health problems such as physiological and psychological problems. Obesity is the main problem due to binge eating and it can cause high cholesterol, stroke, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Binge eating during pregnancy:

Binge eating during pregnancy can be due to several reasons. Pregnant women can be under stress, sadness, and anxiety as they worry about the coming baby. The worry, sadness and anxiety can lead to binge eating.

Sometimes, pregnant women are under depression which can be the reason for binge eating. At times, they feel bored because of the continuous rest they take during pregnancy and it can lead to binge eating.

Risks for baby:

The eating disorders put your baby at high risk of developing many health problems. Due to your eating disorder, your baby can also die from improper nutrition (prenatal nutrition is important). If you recover from the disorder, then also your pregnancy will be at higher risk.

The common problems that can occur with eating disorders are preterm labor and low birth weight babies. With the fear of obesity, binge eaters try to vomit. This can lead to no weight gain and making their babies to be underweight.

With eating disorders in pregnant women, baby can develop cleft palate, cerebral palsy, blindness, liver disorders and other abnormalities. The disorder can also lead to the death of the baby.

Once you find that you are suffering with binge eating, consult the doctor immediately to take the treatment because it can affect your health as well as your unborn baby’s health.