Taking Care of Kids with Type 1 Diabetes

Type1diabetes in children is the condition when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin that is needed for the child to survive and this insulin has to be replaced with the aid of injections to maintain healthy blood sugar level. Type 1 diabetes is also knows as insulin dependent diabetes.

Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes can be hard to deal in the beginning, the sudden onset of insulin injections to the child, count carbohydrates, measure and maintain blood sugar level can be a bit of mentally tiring. Your goal should be gradual transition towards independence in management of type 1 diabetes of the child. Your supervision remains an important part in this transition process.

Here are a few tips on how to take care of a child with type 1 diabetes –

kids with type 1 diabetesTaking Insulin as Prescribed

Give the child insulin injections as prescribed as it is the only medicine which will regulate the child’s blood sugar levels in between meals. With advancements in technology insulin injections are almost pain less because of the smaller needles.

Following a Healthy Meal Plan

Having a balanced diet and following a meal plan is one of the most important aspects of taking care of the children with type 1 diabetes. The main thing to keep in mind is that certain foods can increase blood sugar more than other foods, for example carbohydrates increase blood sugar level significantly compared to fats and proteins. Thus the meals should be planned considering these factors in mind.

Physical Activity

Regular exercise can prove effective for the child as it will help them maintain their blood sugar level at a healthy level and help them maintain a healthy body weight. Thus, encourage the child to do more of fitness activities.

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels

Treating of type 1 diabetes requires periodic checking of blood sugar levels and responding to the results. Maintain a healthy blood sugar level of the child and make him feel good, grow and develop normally and reduce the risks of long term diabetic complications.

Dealing with type 1 diabetes can seem exhaustive at first but if you keep all these points in mind and follow them you should not have much trouble taming diabetes. Always remember to keep your doctor number with you in case of an emergency or doubts.

Photo Credit By: galleryhip.com