Foods to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

The standard diet which is consumed by almost all people in today’s modern world is likely to bring about heart diseases during the middle age. Medical experts often treat such heart diseases with the help of drugs, medical procedures and testing. However, recent studies have shown that chronic heart diseases, not only can be prevented but also reversed through diet. This specific diet should contain foods that prevent and reverse heart disease- foods which are plant produce and also items which are less processed and contain less amount of animal protein.Foods to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

Optimum Diet for Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease

A person suffering from heart disease should consume a diet which includes food items that are low in fat. A chronic heart disease patient should completely avoid consumption of any kind of animal protein.

Animal protein increases cholesterol level in the blood and therefore causes a lot of damage to the coronary arteries and the heart. Low fat vegetarian diets devised by medical experts have hardcore evidence to prove that heart diseases can be prevented as well as reversed through a proper vegetarian diet and a changed lifestyle.

Specifications of the Optimum Diet

  • Medical experts propose a diet which has high nutrient content and is based on vegetables. Consuming such food items according to the diet is bound to have more positive effect on heart disease patients. A vegetable diet which is high in nutrient content reduces the count of LDL in the blood by a considerable percentage. Therefore the diet should contain lots of green vegetables, considerable amount of nuts and reduced amount of fats to minimize the risk of heart disease and also reverse it.
  • According to medical experts, heart disease patients should not only consume a diet which is vegetarian but should follow a diet which is highly nutritious. The diet should be dense in nutrition and thus incorporate a lot of green vegetables, avoiding the consumption of grains. Diet which is rich in carbohydrate should be avoided completely as carbohydrates tend to increase triglyceride levels posing great risk to the heart.
  • The optimum diet specified for heart disease patients should be low fat and not completely devoid of fat. The protective properties that seeds and nuts contain help to prevent coronary heart disease to a great extent. Fats in form of oils are usually unhealthy and dangerous for the heart, but items like nuts and seeds contain natural fats which are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Nuts consumed in moderation also prevent the person from gaining excessive amount of weight.