Strokes Among Young and Middle-Aged People on the Rise

According to a latest report published in the Neurology journal, more young people suffer from strokes today, than in 1990’s.

Researchers in 1993 and 94 had found that 13% of stroke victims belonged to the age group of 20 to 54, whereas in the year 2005, the figure jumped to 19% according to HealthDay. This shows that the average age of occurrence of a stroke, decreased from 71 in 1990s to 69.

First-time stroke individuals were analyzed by the researchers in Northern Kentucky area.  Stroke statistics in 1993 and 94, and once again in the years 1999 and 2005 were analyzed. It was concluded that young individuals and middle-aged adults accounted for more number of strokes.

Strokes Among Young and Middle-Aged People on the Rise


Brett Kissela, the lead author of the study, says that risk factors like obesity, diabetes and high level of cholesterol contribute to rise in strokes. Our lifestyle is a major cause for increase in heart diseases. Fast foods, less physical activity, high-stress oriented jobs, lack of sleep and an unstable economy are all leading to adverse effects on our health.

Heart is a vital organ, which should not be taken for granted, as no one is resistant to heart diseases. However, it is preventable, notes Gillinov. New findings are throwing light on some surprising health risk factors. It is essential that you make sure to keep your heart in good condition, regardless of what age group you belong to.

What you need to do

You should develop a positive attitude. This is good for the heart. Another important factor which is considered good for the heart is the connection between our body and heart. Researchers at Harvard School of Public Health, Laura Kubzansky and Julia Boehm recently completed a review on the examination of positive psychological health and cardiovascular disease association. They found that optimistic people had 50% less chance of heart attack, than those with negative attitude.


Julia Boehm says “We found that people with greater level of well-being tend to engage in healthy behaviors and have better biological functioning”.

She notes that optimistic way of living is far more beneficial for healthy functioning of the heart. You should try to cultivate optimistic attitude in your life. Every day, you should practice kind deeds to other people, count the blessings you receive, socialize more and develop relationships and bonds which make you feel good – all for the benefit of your heart.