Shoulder Joint Pain: Prevention and Therapies

Shoulder joint pain is one of the most common complaints that people make. Specifically, people who engage in high-impact, extreme sports and strenuous activities are the ones who are more predisposed to shoulder joint pain.should

The pain on the shoulder joints is actually caused by several factors and conditions. In order to identify the right and proper treatment for a particular shoulder pain, the cause of the pain should be identified first.

Among others, bursitis or rotator cuff tendonitis is the most common diagnosis in patients and persons who are experiencing shoulder pain.

Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursae (bursa-singular), the fluid-filled sacs which cushion the friction areas between tendons and bones.

Without the aid of these sacs, a slight movement may cause a very burdensome discomfort on the part of the person affected by it.

Another cause of shoulder joint pain is rotator cuff tear, or the separation of the tendons of the rotator cuff from the bone.

Other people also suffer from frozen shoulder or “adhesive capsulitis”. This leads to joint stiffness and is usually relieved through physical therapy sessions and stretching exercises. Shoulder dislocation, fracture and tear also cause shoulder pain.

In order to prevent the uncomfortable symptoms of shoulder joint pain, one should be aware of the necessary measures in order to maintain the optimum functioning of the shoulder joints. Shoulder pain may be caused by prolonged sitting or improper posture.

In order to prevent the development of frozen shoulder, one should always sit, stand and walk properly. People who are working on the computer all day should find means to have regular breaks in between computer tasks. In addition, some injuries on the shoulder joints do occur because of strenuous exercises and routines.

In order to avoid this, one should always make it a point to do stretching exercises before doing one’s exercises. Stretching actually lubricates the joint areas which facilitates ease of movement and prevents the damaging effects of friction.

For people who are about to lift heavy objects, proper body mechanics should be observed. A wide-base of support should be done by spreading the legs evenly and bending them while lifting a heavy object.

In addition, for thrill-seekers and those who engage in extreme sports, protective apparels should be worn in order to prevent injuries during high-impact periods.

Regular exercise and strength training are also helpful in building the muscles, thus, supporting the shoulder joints during activities that require heavy lifting.

While prevention is better than cure, there are really times that shoulder joint injuries occur accidentally. The first thing to do in cases of shoulder joint pain is to allow the affected area to rest on a dependent position. Meaning, there should not be any pressure on the affected area.

A cold compress should then be applied on the area to minimize the swelling. However, the cold compress should only be applied for a maximum of 48 to 72 hours, utilizing it three times a day. Forty-eight hours after, a warm compress could then be applied. Certain painkillers could be taken in order to reduce the sensation of pain.

For severe shoulder pains that radiate to other body organs, specifically the chest, immediate medical consultation should be done. Heart attacks are usually characterized by chest pain which radiates to the neck, shoulder and back.

Also, if fractures and obvious severe bleeding are noted, the person should be rushed immediately to a health care facility for prompt medical response.