Arthritis Cures and Management Techniques

Arthritis is not just one disease; it is a group of about a hundred different conditions that involve damage to the joints.  When one refers to the general term arthritis, this usually refers to the most common form of arthritis, which is osteoarthritis which can result from regular wear and tear on the joints or as a result of trauma.

While there are no arthritis cures that exist as such, there are ways to prevent or delay the condition. Also rather than arthritis cures, effective management techniques can ensure that the condition may be prevented from becoming worse.Arthritis Cures

Arthritis cures or management can take a two pronged approach, using physical and occupational therapy on the one hand and medication on the other.

Physical therapy as arthritis cures

Pain and disability, restrictions in range of body movements are the main characteristic of arthritis and the form that the therapy could take, would depend upon the extent of deformity, and the joint flexibility and strength that are still retained.

The aim of these arthritis cures is to enhance a person’s ability to perform daily activity which the therapist and the arthritis sufferer can together try to achieve.

The kinds of physical exercises that can be included are those that strengthen joints, increase or restore range of motion and could also include aerobic exercises since a sedentary life is one of the risk factors that cause arthritis in the first place.

Physiotherapy as part of arthritis cures also uses joint protection techniques that slow down the deterioration of the joints by reducing the stress and strain. So, exercises to strengthen the muscle tissue that supports the joints are prescribed so that stress and strain on joints can be reduced. The correct way to move joints so as not to stress them, ways to prevent them getting too stiff and so on form part of the physical arthritis cures.

Occupational therapy is another one of the arthritis cures that functions on several levels to get a person more mobile – firstly there is proper information imparted about the condition, if required a weight loss plan will be devised, foot care advice is imparted along with fashioning appropriate footwear and other therapeutic implements to reduce discomfort and increase mobility.