Tackling Health Problems With Prevention And Exercise

With today’s crisis oriented medical care system, which prefers to treat a disease after it has already occurred rather than keeping it at bay, makes good health care a matter of treating the problem once it appears.

Dr. Ralph Synderman is of the health care professionals that is of the opinion that good health goes beyond absence of any disease.

It touches upon factors like a person’s lifestyle, physical and a mental state of well being, as well as the interaction of mind and body that play a pivotal role in prevention of any disease and illness.

Although people know that it is much cheaper to prevent an illness than treat it, they are unsure as to how and when will the initial problems occur.

Yet many renowned hospitals have been adopting integrative medicine in a variety of ways. Duke’s Hospital has specially trained employees in the health department who assist patients put into practice a personalized plan for health care, which works well in conjunction with their regular medications provided by their family physicians.

Doctors at Harvard are working on the study of the body’s healing properties and the direct routes to healing.

They have been carrying out exercise demonstrations and regimes (cardiovascular exercises) with people aged 30 -35 years who have been diagnosed with various heart diseases.

And they have noticed a marked difference in that there was a significant reduction in the overall health risk related to heart than those people who did not perform any exercises for their heart ailments.