Following The Right Diet For ADHD

Whether you are an adult dealing with ADHD or a parent raising ADHD child (son or daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD), you should consider making some dietary changes which could help improve the symptoms of the condition.

Basic idea of the diet for ADHD

If you are serious about trying a diet for ADHD, you need to understand the process. First, you’re going to be cutting out a lot of foods from your diet for a short time.

Then you can begin adding them back to see which ones are going to trigger the worst of your symptoms. In the second half of the diet for ADHD, you’re going to eat certain foods that will do your body and mind good.

Cutting out the negative

Be prepared because the first stage of the diet for ADHD can be a challenge unless you are fully committed. There are quite a few things you won’t be able to have for the next two weeks. For example, you have to cut out all dairy products.

No cheese, milk, butter, or anything else that comes from a cow. No corn or squash. No junk food. Leave out the fruit juices which are high in sugar and leave out artificial sweeteners.

Some kinds of food only need to be slashed by about 90%. These include sugar, chocolate, and fried foods. Remember to keep food additives, including food colorings, to a minimum.

Returning the food

As part of the diet for ADHD, you will need to start adding those foods back into your diet after two weeks. Try to do one at a time so you can see which are going to cause you problems. The reaction will occur in about four days. Keep that in mind as you are planning for the diet for ADHD.

Good foods in the diet for ADHD

While you have to cut out a lot of food, you do get a chance to boost some of the food you eat once you determine the triggers that make things worse. High protein and low carbohydrate morning meals are a great idea.

If you want to avoid prescription medications for your child, the diet for ADHD should also include small amounts of caffeine. However, you also want to give your child a lot more water. Seven to ten glasses daily is a good choice.